2014년 2월 정보통신 연구실 석사졸업을 축하합니다.
이번학기에는 감승래 석사과정, 반충상 석사과정, 서승대 석사과정, 송권호 석사과정 4명이 졸업했습니다. 졸업 논문은 다음과 같습니다.
감승래, "Multi-spectral Bi-directional Full Duplex Communication"
반충상, "Device-to-Device Communications in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks"
서승대, "User Association Scheme with Load Balancing in Smallcell Network"
송권호, "Spectrum-Efficient Cell Management for Energy Harvesting Smallcell Networks"
M.S. students Seunglae Kam, Choongsang Ban, Seungdae Seo, and Kwonho Song in ITL received M.S. degree on February 2014.
Dissertation title about each person is as following:
Seunglae Kam, "Multi-spectral Bi-directional Full Duplex Communication"
Choongsang Ban, "Device-to-Device Communications in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks"
Seungdae Seo, "User Association Scheme with Load Balancing in Smallcell Network"
Kwonho Song, "Spectrum-Efficient Cell Management for Energy Harvesting Small Cell Networks"

2013년 2학기 디지털통신 조교 최재영입니다.