2011년 2월 정보통신연구실 석,박사 졸업을 축하합니다.

이번학기 박사 1명, 석사 2명이 졸업했습니다.

졸업생들의 졸업 논문은 다음과 같습니다.


박사: 1명

민현기 - "Interference Management for Device-to-Device Uplink Underlaying Cellular Networks"


석사: 2명

이희광 - "A New Scheduling Scheme for Multi-user MIMO System with Limited Feedback in Cognitive Radio Environment"

사공상욱 - "Capacity of Reactive DF Scheme in Cognitive Relay Networks"






Congratulaitions on graduation for 1 Ph.d student and 2 Master students.

Their graduate dissertations are as following:



Hyunkee Min, "Interference Management for Device-to-Device Uplink Underlaying Cellular Networks"



Heekwang Lee, "A New Scheduling Scheme for Multi-user MIMO System with Limited Feedback in Cognitive Radio Environment"

Sanguk Sagong, "Capacity of Reactive DF Scheme in Cognitive Relay Networks"
