2017년 2월 정보통신 연구실 박사, 석사 졸업을 축하합니다.
이번학기에는 정원석 박사과정, 유가람 석사과정, 김남훈 석사과정 3명이 졸업했습니다. 졸업 논문은 다음과 같습니다.
정원석, "Transceiver Design for Partially-Overlapped Spectrum Access"
유가람, "Wireless Power Transfer Scheme at MIMO Channel with Considering Battery Status Information"
김남훈, "Joint UL/DL Channel Utilization in D2D Communications Underlaying TDD Cellular Networks"
Ph.D student Wonsuk Chung, M.S. students Garam Yu and Namhoon Kim in ITL received Ph.D degree and M.S. degree on February 2017, respectively.
Dissertation titles are as following:
Wonsuk Chung, "Transceiver Design for Partially-Overlapped Spectrum Access"
Garam Yu, "Wireless Power Transfer Scheme at MIMO Channel with Considering Battery Status Information"
Namhoon Kim, "Joint UL/DL Channel Utilization in D2D Communications Underlaying TDD Cellular Networks"