Articles 108
2013년 2월 정보통신 연구실 박사졸업을 축하합니다.
이번학기에는 김형종 박사과정 1명이 졸업했습니다. 졸업 논문은 다음과 같습니다.
김형종, "Optimal Power Allocation and Performance Analysis for Spectrum Shared Bi-directional Communication System"
Ph.D student Hyungjong Kim in ITL received Ph.D on Feb. 2013.
Graduate dissertation is as following:
Hyungjong Kim, "Optimal Power Allocation and Performance Analysis for Spectrum Shared Bi-directional Communication System"

반충상 / 潘忠相 / Choongsang Ban
M. S. Course, Duplex Team
Information & Telecommunication Lab, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea