Articles 110
김동규 박사의 Journal paper인 "Transmission Capacity of Full-duplex based Two-way Ad-hoc Networks with ARQ Protocol "이 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 에 Accept 되었습니다.
김동규 박사는 현재 Duplex팀의 팀장으로서 활발히 연구에 매진중입니다.
Dongkyu Kim's journal paper, "Transmission Capacity of Full-duplex based Two-way Ad-hoc Networks with ARQ Protocol " is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
He serves as Ph.D in Duplex Team leader of ITL, Yonsei University.
Detailed information of this paper is available on the [Publications] tap.

2013년 2학기 디지털통신 조교 최재영입니다.