2012년 5월에 Accept된 Journal Paper는 총 두편으로 다음과 같습니다.
임성묵 박사과정 연구원의 "OFDMA with Variable Tone Spaces" 이 IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine 에 Accept 되었습니다.
주형식 박사(2011년 8월 졸업)의 "Effects of Full Duplexity on Delay and Throughput in Beamforming-Based Multi-Hop Networks" 이 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 에 Accept 되었습니다.
There are two journal paper accepted in May 2012 as follows. Congratulations!
Sungmook Lim 's paper, "OFDMA with Variable Tone Spaces", is accepted in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. He is currently in Ph.D candidate under the supervision of Prof. Daesik Hong and is intended to graduate August 2012.
Hyungsik Ju's paper, "Effects of Full Duplexity on Delay and Throughput in Beamforming-Based Multi-Hop Networks", is accepted in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. He now serves as a Researh Fellow under the supervision of Prof. Rui Zhang in National Unversity of Singapore.
The detailed informations are presented in [Publications] tap.
안녕하세요. 석박사 통합과정 11학기에 재학중인 박요섭입니다.
잘 부탁 드립니다.
E-mail : pyosub@yonsei.ac.kr
I currently serve as Ph.D candidates in ITL.