Articles 110
김석중 박사과정 연구원의 Journal paper인 "Performance Analysis of Opportunistic Relaying Scheme with Outdated Channel Information"이 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communcations에 Accept 되었습니다.
김석중 박사과정은 현재 Duplex팀의 팀장으로서 활발히 연구에 매진중입니다.
Seokjung Kim's journal paper, "Performance Analysis of Opportunistic Relaying Scheme with Outdated Channel Information" is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
He serves as Ph.D candidates in Duplex Team leader of ITL, Yonsei University.
Detailed information of this paper is available on the [Publications] tap.

반충상 / 潘忠相 / Choongsang Ban
M. S. Course, Duplex Team
Information & Telecommunication Lab, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea