2012년 7월에 Accept된 Journal Paper는 총 2편입니다.
허지행 박사과정 연구원의 "Mobile TV White Space with Multi-Region based Mobility Procedure"가 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 에
김형종 박사과정 연구원의 "Optimal Power Allocation and Outage Analysis for Cognitive Full Duplex Relay Systems"가 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications에 Accept 되었습니다.
허지행 박사과정 연구원은 현재 5G팀, 김형종 박사과정 연구원은 Duplex팀에서 활발한 연구를 진행 중입니다.
There are 2 Journal Papers, which are accepted on July, 2012.
Jihaeng Heo's journal paper, called "Mobile TV White Space with Multi-Region based Mobility Procedure", is accepted in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He serves as Ph.D candidates in 5G team of ITL, Yonsei University, South Korea.
Hyungjong Kim's jounal paper, called "Optimal Power Allocation and Outage Analysis for Cognitive Full Duplex Relay Systems", is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He currently serves as Ph.D candidate and participates in Duplex team in ITL, Yonsei University, South Korea,
Detailed informations on these papers are presented in [Publication] tap.

반충상 / 潘忠相 / Choongsang Ban
M. S. Course, Duplex Team
Information & Telecommunication Lab, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Contact: veritas574@yonsei.ac.kr