Spectrum Sensing
Full duplex
Cognitive Radio
Idle cells
Energy Harvesting
Ultra-dense small cell networks
stochastic geometry
interference management
Asynchronous Transmission
SINR mismatch problem
Dynamic TDD
Cross-link interference
Spectral efficiency
bursty traffic model
mode selection
Device-to-Device (D2D)
Channel estimation error
Ultra-dense small cell
Heterogeneous channel estimation capability
Bi-directional full-duplex
Intentional frequency offset (IFO)
Shortened TTI
Deep learning
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication
Low Earth orbits (LEO) satellite
Simultaneous Sensing and Transmission
full-duplex relay
Cellular networks
selection diversity
Cognitive relay networks
K-S statistics
Long Term Evolution-Advanced
5G networks
interference coordination
full-duplex cellular
interference mitigation
sensing duration
Correlated MIMO
outage probability
transmission capacity (TC)
Two-way communications
self-interference cancellation
in-band full-duplex system
automatic repeat request (ARQ)
achievable sum rate
Coexisting network
interference to noise ratio
link reliability
massive connectivity
resource size control
Coexistence scenarios
Resource management
spectrum sharing
mixed numerology
Multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
New radio non-terrestrial network (NR-NTN)
full-spreading NOMA
Intentional time offset
LTE-based V2V
Singular Vale Decomposition
non-orthogonal multiple access
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)
Cooperative systems
Multiple access
flexible duplex
Asynchronous non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)
Edge computing
Filtered OFDM
Grant-free Transmission
Sub-band filtering
Computation offloading
TDD configuration
Degree of freedom (DoF)
Satellite communication
Dongkyu Kim, Haesoon Lee, and Daesik Hong, "A Survey of In-band Full-duplex Transmission: From the Perspective of PHY and MAC Layers", IEEE Comm. Surveys & Turotials
[IEEE Comm. Surveys & Turotials]
조회 64586 추천 1
Status : | Published |
Date : | 2015-02 |
Title : | A Survey of In-band Full-duplex Transmission: From the Perspective of PHY and MAC Layers |
Authors : | Dongkyu Kim, Haesoon Lee, and Daesik Hong |
Journal : | IEEE Comm. Surveys & Turotials |
Abstract : | In-band full-duplex (IBFD) transmission represents an attractive option for increasing the throughput of wireless communication systems. A key challenge for IBFD transmission is reducing self-interference. Fortunately, the power associated with residual self-interference can be effectively cancelled for feasible IBFD transmission with combinations of various advanced passive, analog, and digital self-interference cancellation schemes. In this survey paper, we first review the basic concepts of IBFD transmission with shared and separated antennas and advanced self-interference cancellation schemes. Furthermore, we also discuss the effects of IBFD transmission on system performance in various networks such as bi-directional, relay, and cellular topology networks. This survey covers a wide array of technologies that have been proposed in the literature as feasible for IBFD transmission and evaluates the performance of the IBFD systems compared to conventional half-duplex (HD) transmission in connection with theoretical aspects such as the achievable sum rate, network capacity, system reliability, and so on. We also discuss the research challenges and opportunities associated with the design and analysis of IBFD systems in a variety of network topologies. This work also explores the development of MAC protocols for IBFD system in both infrastructure-based and ad-hoc networks. Finally, we conclude our survey by reviewing the advantages of IBFD transmission when applied for different purposes, such as spectrum sensing, network secrecy, and wireless power transfer. |
URL : | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDe...MAC+Layers |
Download : | http://mirinae.yonsei.ac.kr/?module=file...le_srl=179 |
Kim, D.; Lee, H.; Hong, D., "A Survey of In-band Full-duplex Transmission: From the Perspective of PHY and MAC Layers," Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1
doi: 10.1109/COMST.2015.2403614
keywords: {Interference;Receiving antennas;Relays;Silicon;Transmitting antennas;Wireless communication},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7041186&isnumber=5451756
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