Spectrum Sensing
Full duplex
Cognitive Radio
Idle cells
Energy Harvesting
Ultra-dense small cell networks
stochastic geometry
interference management
Asynchronous Transmission
SINR mismatch problem
Dynamic TDD
Cross-link interference
Spectral efficiency
bursty traffic model
mode selection
Device-to-Device (D2D)
Channel estimation error
Ultra-dense small cell
Heterogeneous channel estimation capability
Bi-directional full-duplex
Intentional frequency offset (IFO)
Shortened TTI
Deep learning
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication
Low Earth orbits (LEO) satellite
Simultaneous Sensing and Transmission
full-duplex relay
Cellular networks
selection diversity
Cognitive relay networks
K-S statistics
Long Term Evolution-Advanced
5G networks
interference coordination
full-duplex cellular
interference mitigation
sensing duration
Correlated MIMO
outage probability
transmission capacity (TC)
Two-way communications
self-interference cancellation
in-band full-duplex system
automatic repeat request (ARQ)
achievable sum rate
Coexisting network
interference to noise ratio
link reliability
massive connectivity
resource size control
Coexistence scenarios
Resource management
spectrum sharing
mixed numerology
Multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
New radio non-terrestrial network (NR-NTN)
full-spreading NOMA
Intentional time offset
LTE-based V2V
Singular Vale Decomposition
non-orthogonal multiple access
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)
Cooperative systems
Multiple access
flexible duplex
Asynchronous non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)
Edge computing
Filtered OFDM
Grant-free Transmission
Sub-band filtering
Computation offloading
TDD configuration
Degree of freedom (DoF)
Satellite communication
Dongkyu Kim,Sungsoo Park, Hyungsik Ju, Daesik Hong, "Transmission Capacity of Full-duplex based Two-way Ad-hoc Networks with ARQ Protocol", IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., Jan. 2014
[IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.]
조회 65362
Status : | Published |
Date : | 2014-01 |
Title : | Transmission Capacity of Full-duplex based Two-way Ad-hoc Networks with ARQ Protocol |
Authors : | Dongkyu Kim,Sungsoo Park, Hyungsik Ju, Daesik Hong |
Journal : | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
Abstract : | This paper investigates the network capacity of bidirectional communication systems based on full-duplex transmission in ad-hoc networks while satisfying both the delay and target outage constraints. Bi-directional full-duplex transmission (BFD) has been proposed as a way to increase the system performance of two-way communications with multiple antennas. This type of system enables simultaneous exchange of data between two nodes via the bi-directional use of spatial resources. As the node density is increased to improve network capacity, however, the network performance decreases because of the simultaneous transmissions of adjacent pairwise interferers. To overcome this capacity degradation, we apply an automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocol to two-way communications. We then extend the analysis of the transmission capacity (TC) to account for packet retransmissions within the maximum allowed delay while satisfying the target outage constraint for two extreme cases (high mobility and static). After determining the optimized maximum number of packet retransmissions, the network capacity of the BFD system is then investigated as a function of the effective node density, node mobility, and required delay and target outage constraints. We can conclude that the benefits for TC obtained through full-duplex transmission and packet retransmission by an ARQ protocol outweigh the increase in interference caused by the bi-directional use of spatial resources and packet retransmissions. |
URL : | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDe...otocol.QT. |
Download : | http://mirinae.yonsei.ac.kr/?module=file...e5a268a2ab |
Dongkyu Kim; Sungsoo Park; Hyungsik Ju; Daesik Hong, "Transmission Capacity of Full-Duplex-Based Two-Way Ad Hoc Networks With ARQ Protocol," Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.63, no.7, pp.3167,3183, Sept. 2014
doi: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2302013
keywords: {ad hoc networks;automatic repeat request;channel capacity;constraint theory;delays;protocols;ARQ protocol;BFD;TC;adjacent pairwise interferer;automatic repeat request;bidirectional communication system;bidirectional full-duplex transmission;capacity degradation;delay constraint;multiple antenna;network capacity;network performance;node density;optimized maximum packet retransmission number;simultaneous data exchange;spatial resource;target outage constraint;transmission capacity;two-way ad hoc network;two-way communication;Ad hoc networks;Automatic repeat request;Bidirectional control;Delays;Interference;Licenses;Protocols;Automatic repeat request (ARQ);full duplex;transmission capacity (TC);two-way communications},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6719531&isnumber=6895341
doi: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2302013
keywords: {ad hoc networks;automatic repeat request;channel capacity;constraint theory;delays;protocols;ARQ protocol;BFD;TC;adjacent pairwise interferer;automatic repeat request;bidirectional communication system;bidirectional full-duplex transmission;capacity degradation;delay constraint;multiple antenna;network capacity;network performance;node density;optimized maximum packet retransmission number;simultaneous data exchange;spatial resource;target outage constraint;transmission capacity;two-way ad hoc network;two-way communication;Ad hoc networks;Automatic repeat request;Bidirectional control;Delays;Interference;Licenses;Protocols;Automatic repeat request (ARQ);full duplex;transmission capacity (TC);two-way communications},
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6719531&isnumber=6895341
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