Status : Presented 
Date : 2022-11 
Title : LEO 위성 통신 환경에서 GNSS 정보 기반 채널 추정 및 MMSE 빔포밍 
Authors : 안가연, 허제현, 이현우, 홍대식 
Conference : 대한전자공학회 2022년도 추계종합학술대회 
Abstract : This paper proposed a low complexity and overhead multiple-user-multiple-input multiple-output (mu-MIMO) beamforming algorithm for low earth orbit (LEO) satellite communication systems with global navigation satellite system (GNSS). To be specific, the estimated channel based on the angle of arrival and departure (AoA, AoD) is used in beamforming. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a performance very close to conventional beamforming algorithms, with low overhead and complexity. 


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